
Saturday, August 8, 2015

Why Does It Take So Long To Get Paid??

So, I have been waiting and waiting and waiting and WAITING for my reimbursement check from work.  I'm talking about three weeks of waiting to get this check!  Seriously, it shouldn't take that long to get a reimbursement check, especially since others received theirs a week after I turned them in.  

I made the necessary phone calls to see what the hold up was and got the process going.  So, I get my check a couple of days later, which was yesterday, a Friday.  Now, I know how banks work when depositing checks.  So, with it being a Friday, I did the deposit via my phone before 3:00 pm.  The time you deposit a check makes a HUGE difference because it determines when you will receive your funds.  

Now I have finally received my reimbursement check and made the deposit into my checking account.  So, why wasn't it showing up as available in my account?  Usually, banks will give you a portion of your deposit until the check clears.  So, why didn't my bank do this, especially when the check was drawn on the same bank my checking account is with?  

Well, I figured I would just wait until today, Saturday morning to see if it was available in my account.  Guess what?  Nope, not available yet.  This is very unusual and very not like my bank to do this.  Hmmmmm, now it's time to make another phone call to the bank.

While I was out this morning getting my Dr. Pepper from Burger King, because I love Dr. Pepper in fountain drink form, I made a phone call to the bank.  After talking to a lady in customer service, she transfers me to the deposit hold department.  I talk to a lady in that department and she reviewed my account and the deposit.  She puts me on hold and I just patiently wait.  She comes back to the phone to say that the hold has been lifted and the money was in my account.  

FINALLY!!!  Success at last!!  After almost three fucking weeks of waiting to get MY money back, I finally get it today!!  

So, if any of you come up on a similar or same situation, don't hesitate to call people to get it resolved.  Don't just lie there and wait for something to happen.  It won't until you get up off your ass and do something about it.  You can't complain about the issue unless you have made attempts to resolving the issue.
The 3 Week Diet

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Grumpy People Are So Frustrating to Talk With or Be Around

I hate being around grumpy people and talking to them either on the phone are face to face.  It just ruins the whole experience of having a discussion with them.  I don't understand why grumpy people feel the need to extend their grumpiness onto others.  I didn't make you grumpy or miserable, so don't put your shit on me.  I think of Madonna's song Human Nature when I deal with grumpy or miserable people.

So, why can't grumpy people find a way to get into a better mood?  Why can't they just be nice or shut the fuck up?  No one wants to hear what you have to say if it isn't civil or nice.  Ugh!!  It's no different when dealing with the husband.  He is a miserable little fuck and tries to put his misery upon me, which doesn't work.  I'm happy with my life because I am a successful person in everything I do. So, is he a miserable person?  Well there are some opinions on that but I won't go through them here. It's too personal for both us.  Just know that he is a miserable human being that wants nothing with anyone or anything except his daughter (occassionally) or his artwork.

So there you have it.  My frustrations with dealing with grumpy and miserable people. Ugh! Someone give me a bottle of wine already!!

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Phones and the Frustration When People Don't Answer Them

This is a big pet peeve of mine, when people don't answer their phone.  They know I'm calling but for some reason they don't answer it.  My sister is famous for this and I'll tell you why.  She will call you or I will call her.  She will answer the phone or I will answer the phone.  Once we are on the phone together, she will say that she will call you back, no matter who made the phone call.  And guess what?  She doesn't call you back!  Then I'll call her back thinking she really needed to speak to me about something, if she was the one that called.  If indeed she answers, which is rare, then she will pitch a bitch fit because I called her.  I thought she had something important to say, but apparently it wasn't THAT important.  Ugh!!

There are other people who won't answer their phone but you know they are there.  You can see them there or like my daughter, I know you are at your friend's house, so why aren't you answering your damn phone!!  For instance, today I called my daughter's phone, that I pay for mind you, and she didn't answer it.  I tried several times with no results.  So, I called the grandmother's cell phone and she didn't answer either.  I could tell she purposely sent me to voicemail.  I don't care who you are, you know when you have been purposely sent to voicemail.  It could be for various reasons and I understand that.

Since the grandmother didn't answer her phone, I called their house phone.  Surely, SOMEONE will answer that.  Nope. Nada. No answer, just the answering machine.  Finally, the grandmother texted me that she was at work and in a meeting and to call her husband with his number included.  So, finally I have some success at this answering the damn phone situation.

I call the grandfather and guess what folks?  He answered his phone!!!  Now, why did he answer his cell phone and not the home phone?  I didn't ask but I was definitely thinking this as I was talking to him.  Now I have someone on the phone, so now I need to speak to my child who refuses to answer her phone, that I pay for every fucking month!!  Not her father my husband, but me with MY hard earned money.

Okay, so I get her on the phone and she, of course, has an attitude.  What teenager doesn't have attitude?  I don't know any but let me know when you find one.  I would really like to meet them.  I asked her what her plan was for the evening, because I like to know what I need to do when I leave work.  Of course, she doesn't know.  She gets an attitude because I'm calling her mutliple times to ask this question.  If she would have answered the phone the first time, then I wouldn't have to go all around the mulberry bush to chase the damn weasel!  Also, if she would have thought ahead of time and texted me earlier in the day, then I wouldn't have had to call her at all.  Ugh!!  Teenagers!!!

Another instance is when I call my stepmom or my dad.  They only have their cell phones but they used to have a land line.  So, I call my stepmom almost every night.  I call my dad every morning while we are both driving to work.  So, this is what happens when I call at night for my stepmom.  I will call her cell phone first.  She doesn't always answer her cell phone because it could be ANYWHERE.  When I say ANYWHERE, I mean ANYWHERE!  She could have left her cell phone in her car, her purse that is down stairs in the kitchen, in her bathroom or off because the battery died.

So, what do I do next?  I call my dad's cell phone because he answers his phone 99.9% of the time. It's very rare when my dad won't answer his cell phone.  Sometimes when I call him, he will answer and say that they are watching a movie, out eating or sleeping.  When he does answer his cell phone at night, he knows that I want to talk to my stepmom.  If he knows she is busy doing something, then he will tell me he will have her call me back.  My stepmom will call me back about 99.9% unless she is just too tired or too busy and genuinely forgot.  I get that.  I really do because I just know how they are but sometimes it can be frustrating when dealing with them.

The most frustrating thing with talking to my dad and stepmom on the phone is that they are always on speaker phone.  Sometimes I need to talk to one of them about the other and I don't want to be rude or hurt anyone's feelings when asking if they are on speaker phone.  The other frustration with being on speaker phone is when I am talking about certain things such as hot button topics, issues or problems.  I will be talking to my stepmom and my dad will hear what we are saying and tell her to end the call because he doesn't want my stepmom to get upset or riled up.  I understand but sometimes I just need someone to either vent to or bring a new and fresh perspective to the discussion.

So now you understand my frustration over people not answering their phones.  Yes, I can get a bit stalkerish over it but that's just my OCD.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Walmart Success! (But Not Without Irritation)

My daughter and I finally went to Walmart today to get her school supplies.  There were many irritations and frustrations along the way.  First, why do people who have buggies insist on ignoring you when trying to get through the isle?  I mean, you see me trying to get through and be nice about it but you just want to be an asshole about it!  UGH!!!

Then I'm in line to pay for my things. The couple in front of me have an overflowing buggy of grocery garbage.  I mean bad for you processed crap that they are obviously not paying for themselves. Their clothes are so dirty and disgusting along with their child.  Now, don't get me wrong, we do have our fair share of low income people but this takes the cake.  This couple didn't even look like they were over 21 years old!!  Seriously! What the fuck is wrong with this couple? Why can't they get off their asses and work?  It really pisses me off when I see people in grocery stores with one or more overflowing buggies of crap for free!  It really does, especially when they haven't worked a day in their lives to at least make a contribution to the world. I am actually paying for their crap they get to take home and eat, while I have to watch my money and stay on a fucking budget.

This couple were old enough to at least work at a fast food restaurant and afford decent housing. I know because I have been there.  I have worked and was considered poverty level but I NEVER asked for nor considered any government assistance with the exception of Hurricane Katrina.  That was a different issue.  Anyway, I know what it's like to not have a lot of money.  Hell, I don't have a lot of money now considering I pay for everything in the house except the rent and most groceries. That's what the husband handles, since he is a "metal artist." Pffftt, he doesn't know what it's like to have a real job and pay all of the utility bills, insurances, car note, phone bill, and whatever our daughter may need i.e. school supplies, uniforms and school shoes.  All of that adds up and then some.

UGH!!  I could go on and on about that but it will just get me more frustrated than I should be right now.  So, the couple had some type of check to pay for their crappy groceries but the cashier said they couldn't use it. I forgot why but it was legitimate.  Needless to say, they were able to pay for their crappy groceries with their food stamp card.  Must be nice to live off the government for free.

So, that was how my Walmart escapade went today.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Walmart Fail

Well, Walmart was a fail today.  We didn't even make it there.  I didn't even make it there.  My daughter was still asleep, so I decided to go there to buy some groceries.  Well, that didn't happen either.  I had to go to AT&T to pay off the remainder balances of my Next plans on my account, so my monthly bill would be lower.  That took a very long time!  So, while I was there I decided to get the free LG tablet that had been offered to me previously.  After I left AT&T, I went across the parking lot to the local sushi restaurant for a roll of sushi.  I haven't had sushi in quite a while, so I treated myself to sushi.

After I left the sushi place, I decided to see if my daughter was awake.  I just wanted to know before I went to Walmart; if my daughter was awake and wanted to go to Walmart.  She tells me that she needed some time to wake up and get something to eat.  I told her that was fine and I was on my way home.  I get home and she doesn't want to go because she still isn't feeling well from yesterday.  So, all this time I have been waiting for her to go with me to Walmart and she doesn't want to go! Ugh!!!

Now that I am home and NOT going to Walmart today, it's time to do the laundry.  I only do laundry on Sundays because I just wash our clothes and not the husband's clothes.  He's particular about his shit.  Believe me, when talking about the husband, it becomes a very long and frustrating story.  I'll get to him eventually but not right now.

Needless to say, Walmart was a fail today.  However, I have tomorrow and we will see if it's a success.

A Reminder I Have A Teenaged Daughter

I keep forgetting that I have a teenaged daughter.  Seriously, this is so aggravating!  I need her to get up but she won't because she went to sleep at 5 am!  When I went to sleep last night, she was asleep and that was at midnight!  So, now I need her to get up so we can get her school supplies before it gets too crowded at Walmart of all places!  Do you really think I want to go to Walmart when it's crowded with the crazies?  Nooooooo!!!  

So now I am waiting for her majesty to wake up.  Hopefully, she will get up soon, so we can get this over with.

Revamping This Blog.... Again!!

So, I revamped this blog, again!  I have found that venting on Facebook doesn't get me any fans with my friends and family.  So, I decided to redo this page and make it a place to vent out my frustrations or say things that I think unfiltered.  So, there will be cursing and hurt feelings for the sensitive people.  I am not racist or hating on anyone.  I am just merely thinking things that other people think but won't say out loud in fear of hurting someone's feelings.  I am not worried about that here because most people I know won't read this blog but you will.

So have fun and enjoy reading about my frustrations and painful situations from my daily life!